orbit read


read - lookup hdl source code


orbit read [options] <unit>


Navigates hdl source code to lookup requested hdl code snippets. Looking up hdl source code to see its implementation can help gain a better understanding of the code being reused in your current design.

By default, the resulting code is displayed to the console. To write the results to a file for improved readability, use the --save option. Combining the --locate option with the --save option will append the line and column number of the identified code snippet to the end of the resulting file path.

If no ip is provided by the --ip option, then it will assume to search the local ip for the provided design unit.

The values for options --start, --end, and --doc must be valid hdl code. The code is interpreted in the native language of the provided design unit.

The --doc option will attempt to find the comments immediately preceding the identified code snippet.

A design unit must visible in order for it to return the respective source code. When reading a design unit that exists within the local ip, it can be any visibility. When reading a design unit that exists outside of the local ip, its visibility must be "public" or "protected". Design units that are set to "private" visibility are not allowed to be read outside of their ip.

Every time this command is called, it attempts to clean the temporary directory where it saves resulting files. To keep existing files on the next call of this command, use the --no-clean option.


            Read the file for this primary design unit

--ip <spec>
            Ip specification

--doc <code>
            Find the preceding comments to the code snippet

            Write the results to a temporary read-only file

--start <code>
            Start the lookup after jumping to this code snippet

--end <code>
            Stop the lookup after finding this code snippet

--limit <n>
            Maximum number of source code lines to return

            Do not clean the temporary directory of existing files

            Append the line and column number to the resulting file


orbit read and_gate --limit 25
orbit read math_pkg --ip math --doc "function clog2" --start "package math_pkg"
orbit read math_pkg --ip math --doc "function flog2p1" --save --locate