
A fileset is group of files identified by a common file pattern. Typically they are denoted by a common file extension, such as .txt, but a fileset can more broadly be grouped under any glob-style pattern.

A fileset itself consists of a name and a pattern.

  • The name is a string that is normalized to ALL-UPPERCASE-WITH-HYPENS. It is used to identify which fileset a file belongs to.
  • The pattern is a glob-style pattern. It is used to perform glob-style matching when searching the file system for files to add to a fileset.

Built-in filesets

There are built-in filesets that Orbit uses that have special rules and work across all ip, including dependencies. The following filesets are currently built-in with Orbit:

  • VHDL: VHDL files (.vhd, .vhdl)
  • VLOG: Verilog files (.v, .vl, .verilog, .vlg, .vh)
  • SYSV: SystemVerilog files (.sv, .svh)

Custom filesets

Custom filesets are filesets that are be defined by the user for a specific target. These filesets are only searched for in the local ip and do not extend any of the ip's dependencies.

If the pattern does not start with an explicit relative path symbol (.), then Orbit assumes to look for the fileset across every possible path in the local ip by implicitly prepending the pattern with **/.

Name normalization examples

User-defined FilesetNormalized Fileset

The normalized fileset name is the name that will be written to the blueprint file when collecting filesets. This design choice is for consistency across targets when reading and parsing the blueprint.

Custom pattern assumption examples

User-defined patternInterpreted pattern

The custom patterns begin their search for files at the local ip's root directory. The interpreted pattern is the actual glob-style pattern used when collecting files for custom filesets.