JSON Output

The orbit get command allows a user to receive various pieces of information related to a design unit, such its component declaration, defined architectures, or entity instantiation.

It also allows users to export the unit's interface with the --json flag. This is convenient when you wish to pass this information in a more machine-readable format to another tool/program.


The following schema is implemented for the json output:

  "identifier": string
  "generics": [
        "identifier": string
        "mode": string
        "type": string // null if blank
        "default": string // null if blank
  "ports": [
        "identifier": string
        "mode": string
        "type": string // null if blank
        "default": string // null if blank
  "architectures": [
  "language": string

The "language" field is allowed to be one of three values: "vhdl", "verilog", or "systemverilog".


Some ideas about exporting json from orbit get can be found at this blog post.