
The Orbit.toml file for each ip is called its manifest. It is written in the TOML format. It is maintained by the user and contains metadata that is needed to build the ip. The manifest is read by Orbit to help automatically generate the ip's lock file, Orbit.lock.

Note: The manifest's file name is "Orbit.toml", with respect to case-sensitivity.

Every manifest file consists of the following sections:

  • [ip] - Defines an ip.
    • name - The name of the ip.
    • uuid - The universally unique identifier of the ip.
    • description - A short description of the ip.
    • version - The version of the ip.
    • authors - The authors of the ip.
    • library - The HDL library for the design units within the ip.
    • keywords - A list of simple words categorizing the ip.
    • source - The URL for remotely retrieving the ip.
    • channels - The channels to update when publishing the ip.
    • public - Files to be visible to other ip.
    • include - Files to include during file discovery.
    • exclude - Files to exclude during file discovery.
    • readme - The path to the README file.
    • [metadata] - An unchecked section for custom fields.
  • [dependencies] - Ip dependencies.
  • [dev-dependencies] - Ip dependencies only used for ongoing development.

The [ip] section

The first section in a Orbit.toml file is [ip].

name = "my-ip" # the name of the package
uuid = "ecj831jmc018hhhgl1d4rzgw8" # the universally unique identifier
version = "0.1.0" # the current version

The only fields required by Orbit are name, uuid, and version.

The name field

name = "my-ip"
# ...

The uuid field

A random string consisting of 25 characters in base36 encoding (a-z0-9).

# ...
uuid = "ecj831jmc018hhhgl1d4rzgw8"

The version field

# ...
version = "0.1.0"

The authors field

# ...
authors = ["Duncan Idaho", "Gurney Halleck"]

The library field

# ...
library = "work"

The description field

# ...
description = "A short description of the ip"

The keywords field

# ...
keywords = ["cpu", "risc"]

The source field

# ...
source = ""
# ...
source = { url = "", protocol = "git", tag = "1.0.0" }

The source field's "url" and "tag" support string swapping.

The channels field

# ...
channels = ["hyperspace-labs"]

The public field

# ...
public = ["/rtl"]

The public field can be used to explicitly specify which files are visible to other ip when being when being referenced as a dependency. The list contains glob-style patterns that conform to .gitignore file semantics, and are always compared relative that ip's root directory.

If no public field is present, then all files are implicitly specified as visible (public) to other ip when being referenced as a dependency.

The include field

The include field can be used to explicitly specify which files to include during source code analysis.

# ...
include = ["/rtl"]

Using include and exclude is mutually exclusive; setting include will override any value of exclude. If include and exclude are omitted, then all files from the root of the ip will be included.

The exclude field

The exclude field can be used to explicitly specify which files to exclude during source code analysis.

# ...
exclude = ["/deprec"]

Using include and exclude is mutually exclusive; setting include will override any value of exclude. If include and exclude are omitted, then all files from the root of the ip will be included.

Files that are always excluded are those found in directories that contain a "CACHEDIR.TAG" file. For example, every target output directory Orbit creates is excluded because they contain this file.

The readme field

# ...
readme = ""

The [metadata] section

Any type of TOML entry is allowed in this section, as Orbit ignores this section.

custom-field-1 = true
custom-field-2 = "hello world"
# ...

The [dependencies] section

The [dependencies] section is a table of direct dependencies required for the current ip.

gates = "1.0.0"
uart = "2.3.1"

If the ip has no dependencies, the section can be omitted from the manifest. The ips listed in this section will always be included in the build graph.

The [dev-dependencies] section

The [dev-dependencies] section is a table of direct dependencies required for the current ip.

testkit = "1.3.7"
logic-analyzer = "4.8.0"

If the ip has no development dependencies, the section can be omitted from the manifest. The ips listed in this section will not be included in the build graph for when this ip is used as a dependency itself.