
There are two main methods for getting Orbit running on your computer: downloading a precompiled binary or by using Cargo.

Reminder: By installing and using Orbit, you accept usage under its GPL-3.0 license.

1. Using a precompiled binary

  1. Visit Orbit's releases page on Github to find all of its official releases.
  2. Download the binary for your computer's architecture and operating system.
  3. Install Orbit. Either run the provided install executable or follow the manual instructions for placing Orbit's executable (orbit for Unix and orbit.exe for Windows) in a location recognized by the PATH environment variable.

There are multiple solutions to accomplish step 3. The following outlines one way to manually install Orbit depending on the user's operating system.


  1. Download the latest prebuilt package.
curl -LO
  1. Extract the prebuilt package.
tar -xf orbit-0.23.3-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.gz -C orbit-0.23.3
  1. Move the executable to a location already set in the PATH environment variable.
mv ./orbit-0.23.3/bin/orbit /usr/local/bin/orbit


  1. Download the latest prebuilt package.
curl -LO
  1. Extract the prebuilt package.
tar -xf orbit-0.23.3-x86_64-apple-darwin.tar.gz -C orbit-0.23.3
  1. Move the executable to a location already set in the PATH environment variable.
mv ./orbit-0.23.3/bin/orbit /usr/local/bin/orbit


  1. Open a new terminal (Powershell) to where Orbit was downloaded.

  2. Unzip the prebuilt package.

$ expand-archive "./" -DestinationPath "orbit-0.23.3"
  1. Make a new directory to store this package.
$ new-item -path "$env:LOCALAPPDATA/Programs/orbit" -itemtype directory
  1. Move the package to the new directory.
$ copy-item "./orbit-0.23.3/*" -destination "$env:LOCALAPPDATA/Programs/orbit" -recurse
  1. Edit the user-level PATH environment variable in Control Panel by adding %LOCALAPPDATA%\Programs\orbit\bin.

2. Installing with Cargo

To install the latest version through Cargo:

$ cargo install --git --bin orbit --tag 0.23.3

This will build the orbit binary and place it a path already set in the PATH environment variable.

Checking if Orbit is installed correctly

To verify Orbit is working correctly on your system, let's open a new terminal session and print it's current version.

$ orbit --version
orbit 0.23.3

This should print out your version of Orbit you installed.

You can also review the license for Orbit:

$ orbit --license
Copyright (C) 2022 - 2025 Chase Ruskin

This program is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

Congratulations! You are now ready to begin using Orbit.