SystemVerilog API

Reference documentation for the Verb conjugations in SystemVerilog.

Package verb



typedef enum {TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL} tone

The log level type.


function automatic int start(input string name)

Creates the file with the given name to prepare for simulation logging.

function string parse(inout string row)

Return a string in binary format by reading a logic value from the line row.


task finish(int n=0)

Closes the event log file and ends the simulation completely.

task automatic async_on_sync_off(ref logic clk, ref logic pin, input logic active, input int cycles)

Asynchronous asserts pin and synchronously de-asserts pin on the cycles'th clock edge.

task automatic sync_on_async_off(ref logic clk, ref logic pin, input logic active, input int cycles)

Synchronously triggers the logic bit pin to its state active and then asynchronously deactivates the bit to its initial value after cycles clock cycles elapse.

The trigger will not be applied if cycles is set to 0. The signal will deactivate on the falling edge of the cycles count clock cycle.

task automatic sync_hi_async_lo(ref logic clk, ref logic pin, input int cycles)

Synchronously set pin high, then asynchronously set pin low.

task automatic sync_lo_async_hi(ref logic clk, ref logic pin, input int cycles)

Synchronously set pin low, then asynchronously set pin high.

task automatic async_hi_sync_lo(ref logic clk, ref logic pin, input int cycles)

Asynchronously set pin high, then synchronously set pin low.

task automatic async_lo_sync_hi(ref logic clk, ref logic pin, input int cycles)

Asynchronously set pin low, then synchronously set pin high.

task automatic capture(inout int fd, input tone level, input string topic, input string subject, input string predicate = "")

Captures an event during simulation and writes the outcome to the file fd.

The time when the task is called is recorded in the timestamp.

task assert_eq(input logic[4095:0] received, input logic[4095:0] expected, input string subject)

Assertion that checks if two logic words received and expected are equal to each other.


task assert_ne(input logic[4095:0] received, input logic[4095:0] expected, input string subject)

Assertion that checks if two logic words received and expected are not equal to each other.

task automatic assert_stbl(input bit flag, input logic[4095:0] data, input string subject)

Assertion that checks that the behavior of data is stable while the condition flag is true (1'b1).

task automatic observe(ref logic clk, ref logic flag, input logic active, input int cycles, input string subject)

Checks the logic flag is true (1'b1) on the rising edge of clk before cycles clock cycles elapse.