
Verb comes in three separate components: a library for software drivers, a library for hardware drivers, and a command-line application for development as well as running pre-simulation and post-simulation processes.

Any of the components may have one or more implementations; install the component in the programming language or HDL you prefer.

Software library

The software library provides the driver-level code for writing models.


Using Pip, run the following command:

pip install git+""

To check if it is properly installed, run:

echo "import verb\nprint(verb.__version__)" | python

The version you installed should print to the console.

Hardware library

The hardware library provides the driver-level code for creating testbenches.

VHDL, SystemVerilog

Using Orbit, run the following command:

orbit install verb --url ""

To check if it is properly installed, run:

orbit view verb --versions

The version you installed should print to the console.

Command-line application

The command-line application provides commands for faster development and running pre-simulation and post-simulation processes.

Using Cargo, run the following command:

cargo install --git

To check if it is properly installed, run:

verb --version

The version you installed should print to the console.