
An event is a thing of importance that takes place during hardware simulation. Events are captured during hardware simulation by being written to a log file, typically called "events.log".

There are functions available in the HW libraries for event logging; see the events package for event logging functions such as capture(...), assert_eq(...), monitor(...), and stabilize(...).

Event log file format

Each event captured during simulation is placed on a new line in the log file.

Each captured event uses the following pattern:

<timestamp> <severity> <topic> <comment>


180000000fs         INFO      ASSERT_EQ      sum receives 0110 and expects 0110


The timestamp is the time at which the particular event was captured. The value will not include any spaces and may include the time units as a suffix.




The severity is the importance of the captured event. It can only be one of the following values: TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL.



By default, any events that are of TRACE, DEBUG, or INFO importance are considered OKs. Any events that are of WARN, ERROR, or FATAL importance are considered failures.


The topic is the high-level thing that is happening in the captured event. The value will not include any spaces and is typically the function name that was called to capture the event.




The comment is low-level information that is important to this capture event. It is composed of two values: a subject and a predicate.

<subject> <predicate>

The comment is typically discarded during analysis by Verb and is mainly for the benefit of the user.


sum receives 0110 and expects 0110

Writing custom events

You can easily write custom events by calling the capture(...) function or by wrapping capture(...) in another function. It is recommended to write in the present tense when providing values for comments.