

    open - Use a text-editor to open a variety of legoHDL-related things


    legohdl open <block>
    legohdl open [<plugin-alias>] -plugin
    legohdl open <profile-name> -profile
    legohdl open (-template | -settings[=<mode>])
    legohdl open <vendor-name> -vendor





        The alias for the saved custom plugin within legoHDL. It is a 
        user-defined key in settings under "plugins". If the alias's value 
        is a command that references a real existing file, that file will be

        The flag to indicate a plugin is trying to be opened. If no 
        <plugin-alias> value is given with this flag, the built-in plugins 
        folder will be opened.

        The profile configuration name stored within legoHDL settings. When 
        valid, that profile directory will open.

        The flag to indicate a profile is trying to be opened.

        The flag to indicate the template is trying to be opened. If the
        configured template value in settings is blank, the built-in 
        template folder will be opened.

        The flag to indicate the settings are trying to be opened.

        <mode> determines how to open the settings. Accepted values are gui 
        and file. When omitted, the default is to open the settings in gui 