Converting Code

This page walks through the general procedure for transforming an already existing HDL project into a usable block within legoHDL.

Local projects

  1. Determine the local path of your current workspace.
$ legohdl list -workspace
  1. Move the HDL project's root folder within the current workspace's local path.

  2. Open a terminal at the HDL project's root folder.

  3. Initialize a block and provide its identifier, <block>.

$ legohdl init <block>

Remote projects

  1. Copy the remote repository URL (paste it where <url> is in the following command).

  2. From the terminal run, create a new block and provide its identifier, <block>.

    • Add the -fork flag to detach the block from the remote repository url if you will not be able to push changes to it.

    • Add the -open flag to optionally open the block in your configured text-editor.

$ legohdl new <block> -remote="<url>"

Off-The-Shelf Examples

This section lists random or popular HDL git repositories available on GitHub that are easily integrated into legoHDL.


  • Project:
  • Author: Colin Riley

One-line command:

$ legohdl new cpu.riscv -remote="" -fork -open

From the project's root directory:

$ legohdl info -more
--- METADATA ---
name     = riscv
library  = cpu
version  = 0.0.0
remote   = 
vendor   = 
requires = ()

--- STATS ---
Location = /Users/chase/develop/eel4712c/cpu/riscv/
Size     = 465.19 KB
Level    = DNLD
Required by:

VHDL units:
    tb_unit_decoder_RV32_01    alu_int32_div_tb           
    tb_unit_alu_RV32I_01       rpu_core_tb                
    register_set               constants                  
    core                       alu_RV32I                  
    mem_controller             control_unit               
    decoder_RV32               alu_int32_div              
    lint_unit                  csr_unit                   

Viewing the entity design hierarchy:

$ legohdl graph
INFO:   Identified top-level unit: core
INFO:   Identified top-level testbench: rpu_core_tb
INFO:   Generating dependency tree...
\- cpu.rpu_core_tb 
   \- cpu.core 
      +- cpu.mem_controller 
      +- cpu.pc_unit 
      +- cpu.control_unit 
      +- cpu.decoder_RV32 
      +- cpu.alu_RV32I 
      |  \- cpu.alu_int32_div 
      +- cpu.register_set 
      +- cpu.csr_unit 
      \- cpu.lint_unit 

[1]^-   cpu.riscv(@v0.0.0)

Everything checks out; from here you can release this block as a new version using release and reuse any designs in a different project.

Simple UART

  • Project:
  • Author: Jakub Cabal

One-line command:

$ legohdl new comms.uart -remote= -fork -open

From the project's root directory:

$ legohdl info -more
--- METADATA ---
name     = uart
library  = comms
version  = 0.0.0
remote   = 
vendor   = 
requires = ()

--- STATS ---
Location = /Users/chase/develop/eel4712c/comms/uart/
Size     = 331.37 KB
Level    = DNLD
Required by:

VHDL units:
    RST_SYNC                 UART_LOOPBACK_CYC1000    UART2WBM                 
    UART2WB_FPGA_CYC1000     UART                     UART_PARITY              
    UART_CLK_DIV             UART_TX                  UART_DEBOUNCER           
    UART_RX                  UART_TB                  

Viewing the entity hierarchy:

$ legohdl graph uart -tb=uart_tb
INFO:   Identified top-level testbench: UART_TB
INFO:   Generating dependency tree...
\- comms.UART_TB 
   \- comms.UART 
      +- comms.UART_CLK_DIV 
      +- comms.UART_DEBOUNCER 
      +- comms.UART_RX 
      |  +- comms.UART_CLK_DIV 
      |  \- comms.UART_PARITY 
      \- comms.UART_TX 
         +- comms.UART_CLK_DIV 
         \- comms.UART_PARITY 

[1]^-   comms.uart(@v0.0.0)

Everything checks out; from here you can release this block as a new version using release and reuse any designs in a different project. Before releasing, you could also run legohdl export -pack to create a VHDL package file for all non-testbench design components.