

    list - View a variety of legoHDL-related things


    legohdl list [<search>] [[-unit [-all] [-ignore-tb]] | [-D] [-I] [-A]] [-alpha]
    legohdl list [-plugin | -label | -vendor | -workspace | -profile | 


    Retrieves a requested data from the catalog.

    When passing a value for <search>, each subsection of a block's
    identifier can be omitted. With each additionally provided subsection,
    the values shift left to the next subsection. See EXAMPLES for more 


            Optional field to narrow the given list by. 

            Instead of listing blocks, list the units.

            Organize the list in alphabetical order.

            Filter only installed blocks or units.

            Filter only downloaded blocks or units.    

            Filter only available blocks or units from vendors.

            Display all units, regardless if they are usable or not
            according to what 'multi-develop' is set to.

            Return the list of plugins. Fields are alias and command.

            Return the list of labels. Fields are label, extensions,
            and global.

            Return the list of vendors. Fields are vendor, remote 
            repository, block count, and active.

            Return the list of workspaces. Fields are workspace, active, 
            path, and vendors.

            Return the list of profiles. Fields are profile, last import, 
            legohdl.cfg, template/, and plugins/.

            Return the list of all availble files from the current template.
            These files can be referenced exactly as listed when 
            initializing a new file with the 'init' command.


    legohdl list lab0
            Since a vendor is omitted and a library is omitted, all blocks 
            starting with "lab0" in their name are returned.

    legohdl list eel4712c.  
            Since a vendor is omitted and a name is omitted, all blocks 
            starting with "eel4712c" in their library are returned.

    legohdl list uf-ece..
            Since a library is omitted and a name is omitted, all blocks 
            starting with "uf-ece" in their vendor are returned.

    legohdl list ..:mux_2x1 -unit
            All V.L.N subsections are blank, so the entire catalog is 
            searched to see if an unit exists with the name "mux_2x1".